scripted by Abdul Saboor

Abdul Saboor - SEO Writer
4 min readJul 5, 2021
Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy from Pexels

According to the World Drug Report, 35 million people suffered from Drugs and only 1 out 7 receive the treatment. We might not even touch cigarettes after knowing how it is dooming out our bodies. You probably have seen movies or any TV show, how drugs affect human beings and the person's surroundings.

There are different kind of drugs which effects the body in different ways. It sluggishly destroys our body and we might don’t even notice the change of the behavior. Drugs are entailed by several chemicals, the powder that damage your brain as well as your body muscles. It weakens them. Moreover, the effect is long-lasting, or it may cause you death as well. The harmful behavior which I have mentioned above can be noticed.

Addiction to drugs and other foul things can lead a person to chronic disease. It is caused by the uncontrollable seeking of drugs. It can be prevented by stop using the drugs, stay-drugs free, and creating a healthy lifestyle. It is really sad to say that, almost 1 out of 4 dies of drug addiction. After several rifles, I have come up with the effects of continued usage of Drugs.

Issues of Mental Health

A healthy mental mindset is always unique to us. It includes mood, feelings, and behavior. Taking drugs might cause us this all. Not only this, as I have sermon above. Different drugs, different causes. Addiction to drugs diagnosed us with other mental disorders as well as anxiety disorders. It can also lead us to depression, paranoia, and other specific mental health issues.

Photo by Daniel Reche from Pexels

In addition, anxiety and depression are the most common health issues caused by drug intake. As a study shows that, half of the people suffering from mental health issues are most likely to be addicted to drugs or alcohol.

As we already acquainted with this, our brain accepts what gives us pleasure. As to get rid of symptoms, drug additive person takes it again and again. In short, it activates your brain cells to something else.

Personal Relationships

Would you live with a drug addictive guy? Of course, not. It can cause you to lose your friends (surely the good ones who told you not to do it), parents, girlfriend, wife, and children. Ye, it includes all these. Not only this, drug addictive guys can have emotional damage, agitations, financial, legal, and a lot of other consequences.

According to the report, 19% of the teenager between 12 to 20 years old are addictive to drugs, which is very appalling. It causes them poor school or college performance as well as creating a habit to steal money, because of their addiction to drugs. It is a real challenge for the family to live with a guy who’s addicted to drugs.

Legal Issues and Long-term Effect

Of course, the drugs are illegal and they can cause you a long-term effect. There is a huge difference between legal and illegal drugs. Legal drugs are advised by the doctor due to some sort of illness or any kind of disease. Illegal drugs are those which are banned and are not manufactured on official notice.

Photo by Sora Shimazaki from Pexels

Furthermore, drugs usage is increased in developing countries like the U.S.A. On regular basis, both illegal and legal drugs are abused in the United States. The punishment of abusive drug usage in the US can be long-time jail plus felony charges.

Your kidneys and lungs

Drugs can cause long-term kidney damage as well your lungs. As we all know drugs are toxic in many ways. As you swallow up drugs or even binge drink alcohol, the reaction is indescribable. Your lungs and kidneys are not that naturally strong enough endure the pressure. It can lead your lung damage for the long term as well your kidneys.


Our body is god gifted and we should take care of it by any means. Continues usage of drugs have doomed our lifestyle. Albeit, even you addicted to drugs, make sure you get rid of this habit as soon as possible. Because your life is important to your family and your children.



Abdul Saboor - SEO Writer

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